November 2021 News
Ralph Larson and his daughter Miriam
A new “Spotlight on Members” article is posted. It features Ralph Larson who has been raising cattle for many years in Montana. His cattle thrive on range conditions—they are definitely not pampered or raised in an artificial show setting.
We have some great photos entered in this year’s HSS Photo Contest. It’s time for all HSS members to vote on their favorite pictures to choose the 1st and 2nd place winners. Please take a few minutes to look at the photos on the 2021 Photo Contest Page, and then send a quick email to noting which 2 pictures you like the best (just note the picture # which is below each photo). The winners will be announced in our next Monthly Newsletter.
Everyone should have received a letter last month about the revamped Registration system for Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns. We have a new Registrar and a sleek modernized registration paper set up which ties directly into our continually updated online searchable database. Applications for an inexpensive registration of both Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns can be made either online or by mail. We encourage you to explore the new HSS Registry and see how it can both simplify and reduce costs while documenting the heritage bloodlines in your cattle.