Benefits of Membership
(American and Canadian)
You will be helping to promote the breeding and marketing of the attractive and versatile Heritage/Native Shorthorn cattle.
Place classified cattle and semen ads on the HSS website for free. The HSS website is the world wide Number 1 search site for people interested in Heritage/Native/Traditional Shorthorns.
Place a colorful ranch/farm promotional display ad on the Breeder’s Ads Page of the HSS website for a nominal fee.
Members can use the HSS logo in their ranch/farm advertisements in assorted cattle magazines for added recognition of their Heritage Cattle.
Members will receive 6 free promotional brochures about Heritage Shorthorns. The brochures can be personalized with your farm name and contact information to hand out to prospective buyers at local fairs & sale events, etc. (Additional brochures can be ordered online from the HSS Store Page.)
New U.S. members will receive their choice of a free copy of one of the Otis Fisher collectable books: “Shorthorns Around the World”, or “The Story of the Milking Shorthorn in the U.S.” (See short write-up about these books on the Books Page.)
For new Canadian members, the cost of just the postage for one book to Canada in 2024 exceeds $23.00, so if you would like one or both books, please order & pay through the Store Page and it will be sent at the total cost listed there—no additional mailing cost to your address in Canada.
Becoming a Member
1. Fill out and submit the membership form (below). It can be done over the internet, or sent via regular mail. **Please click on the Submit Application button before making an online payment. (For those who are renewing a membership, please indicate any changes in contact numbers or email addresses.)
2. Annual membership is for 12 months starting with the month that you join. The fee is $40 for the first year, then $30/year renewal for residents of the U.S. and Canada. Click on the button at the bottom of this page to pay by credit card via the internet.
U.S. residents have the option to pay by check, payable to: Heritage Shorthorn Society, and mailed to: 6515 Kurtz Rd., Dallas, OR 97338.
Membership Renewal
If your farm/ranch information and contact information has not changed, please skip to bottom of this page and click on the Membership Payment Button. If your information needs updating, please fill out the appropriate lines on the Membership Application Form first, click on the Submit Application Button, then afterwards, click on the Membership Payment Button.