November 2020 News
The new “Spotlight on Members” article features Zane & Elaine Sunday of Foxfire Farm in Florida. For 45+ years they have focused mainly on the dairy lines of Heritage Shorthorns. Zane, who is in his late 70’s, is still passionate about his cattle and excited about the future of Heritage Shorthorns. Find out about these inspiring folks on the Spotlight on Members Page.
Elaine & Zane Sunday
In different areas of the U.S. and in Canada, there are local and regional cattle & agricultural publications which are widely read by cattle enthusiasts. In order to expand the outreach of advertising about Heritage Shorthorns, and to make the HSS advertising budget have a greater impact, HSS is initiating a cooperative advertising program to reach these local publications. HSS will pay ½ of the cost of up to a ¼ page, one time ad (up to a maximum of $200/publication) to team up with you and regional HSS members in advertising about Heritage Shorthorns to reach local people who may be eager to buy Heritage or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns. For more information about this new opportunity, send an email to:
As Johne’s Disease in cattle and other ruminants continues to spread to more ranches/farms, HSS is receiving more questions from both prospective Heritage Shorthorn buyers and HSS members about this disease. For members who would like more information about this complicated and always fatal disease, there is an excellent website which can answer any questions you may have. This online site is: Johne’s Information Center at . It is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and it’s a very comprehensive site with articles, references, and photographs, etc.