December 2020 News
As part of the Heritage Shorthorn Society’s efforts to promote your cattle in 2021 in a variety of markets, HSS will be sponsoring print ads in the Livestock Conservancy Annual Directory and in their Quarterly News Magazine. HSS will also be a continuing National Sponsor of the Livestock Conservancy for 2021 which will provide ongoing exposure for Heritage Shorthorn Breeders in many different markets. As the markets continue to broaden for Heritage Shorthorns, HSS will also have a print ad in the Canadian Shorthorn Report. HSS has members in Canada, and HSS is aware of sales of American Heritage Shorthorns into the Canadian market. Additional ads will also be funded on other online sites and in print magazines during 2021.
Slow Post Office deliveries continue to be a headache for anyone who sends mail. The HSS registry has encountered delays which can be attributed to several different factors. HSS anticipates that these occasional hiccups will lessen once the Christmas season passes. If you encounter problems with receiving your registration papers, do not hesitate to contact the HSS office and the HSS staff will help mitigate any issues. HSS’s number one priority is its members because without your support HSS would not be the success that it is.
If you or someone you know might enjoy reading about Shorthorn history, the Otis Fisher collectable books “The Story of the Milking Shorthorn in the U.S.” and “Shorthorns Around the World” (published in 1993) are available for purchase on the Store Page of the HSS website. These books would make excellent Christmas presents, and should arrive before Christmas if ordered within the first couple of weeks of December.