October 2020 News
HSS has contracted with a program developer to create an online searchable pedigree program, as an alternative to the Digital Beef software program. This Shorthorn pedigree search program is now online and active via the following link: hss.openregistry.io . It shows the Heritage or Heritage-Influenced status of each animal if applicable, as well as additional information on each animal, including owners and registered progeny. HSS believes this will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in Shorthorn pedigrees. Give it a try—search for a cow or bull by partial or full name, or by registration number, and then click on various names to get expanded information.
Additional bulls have been added to the list on the Verified Bulls Page of HSS. This list is useful if you want to know which bulls in a Shorthorn pedigree have been “Verified” as having documented Heritage parentage (equivalent to the AMSS “Native” designation).
A number of breeders took advantage of the temporary reduced fee for registering their Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns with HSS. While the temporary fee reduction expired on Sept. 30, 2020, the regular fees for registering with HSS are still significantly less expensive than with ASA or AMSS registrations. Information on registering cattle and access to the application forms is available on the “General Information and Forms” page under “Registration”.