August 2021 News
A new Spotlight on Members is now posted featuring Bud and Becky McLean with Airline Farms in Connecticut. They have been involved with Heritage Shorthorns for a number of years and are always happy to discuss their cattle with interested Shorthorn breeders. Check the Spotlight on Members Page under the Heritage Members section.
Several members of HSS are involved in dairy activities with their Heritage Shorthorns, and a request was made to provide a logo similar to the Heritage Shorthorn Certified Beef logo that could be used with their milk production. This is the new Heritage Shorthorn Milk logo, which is available for our members to use by contacting the HSS office.
HSS has paid for 4 quarterly ads to run in the print version of The Small Farmers Journal, and this allows HSS to also have an ad posted in their online magazine. The Small Farmers Journal is focused on family farms and traditional rural lifestyles with both their print and online versions. Take a look at the HSS online ad which is already posted on their website on the right, part way down their home page. The first HSS print ad (which is larger and more comprehensive) will be in their next “paper” issue.
New HSS website feature: “Calf of the Month”
The purpose of this new page is to showcase calves that demonstrate the increasing quality and diversity of Heritage Shorthorn Genetics currently being produced. The Heritage Shorthorn Society is committed to encouraging expansion of the genetic base of Heritage Shorthorns by utilization of semen from quality older Heritage Shorthorn bulls. A new calf will be featured every other month (6/year) on the Calf of the Month Page. You are encouraged to submit one or more photos for the “HSS Calf of the Month”—the guidelines for eligible calf photos are at the bottom of the Calf of the Month Page. A prize will be given to each member breeder/owner of a featured calf.
The first calf, for August/Sept. 2021, is already posted on this new page.