July 2020 News
The votes have been tallied, and the winner for the HSS 2020 Photo Contest is #20: “Where are the ladies? (Social distancing)” submitted by Irene Reinhardt. Our second place winner is #4: “I dare not ring the dinner bell twice” by Zane Sunday. The 1st & 2nd place winners will be notified about their prizes.
There was a tie for 3rd place with the photos: #11: “Motherly Love” submitted by Bert Moore, and #10: “Spring Meeting” by Joe Schallberger. Thanks so much for everyone who submitted photos and for all of the members who sent their votes.
Photo Contest Winner: “Where are the ladies? This social distancing is ridiculous.”
Submitted by Irene Reinhardt
2nd Place Winner: “I dare not ring the dinner bell twice”.
Submitted by Zane Sunday
Several additional bulls have been added to the list of Heritage bulls which have been tested free for all 4 of the main genetic defects. This list is updated as semen on Heritage bulls is submitted by breeders to the national testing laboratories and information becomes available.
HSS will be running a full page ad in the September issue of “Shorthorn Country”. This ad will be designed to inform newer ASA Shorthorn breeders and others who read the magazine about the positive influences that Heritage Shorthorn genetics can play in improving their cattle, and the opportunities that exist in raising Heritage Shorthorns. While the article will direct readers to the Breeders/Members Page of the Heritage Shorthorn Society website, you may want to consider running your own individual farm/ranch ad in this same “Shorthorn Country” issue. An ad prominently highlighting your own Heritage or Heritage Influenced cattle could garner extra attention by dovetailing with the HSS ad. Another consideration would be to place an updated ad on the HSS Cattle for Sale Page &/or the HSS Breeder’s Ads Page since there will be a spike in viewers to these HSS pages after the Shorthorn Country ad is published.