August 2020 News
There is a new HSS “Spotlight on Members” article featuring Rich and Katie Forrest. They represent a growing number of families who are using Heritage Shorthorns as their multi-purpose family cows. They have an interesting story about how Heritage Shorthorns fit perfectly into the life style that they want for their family.
A quick reminder: As mentioned in the HSS July 2020 News, HSS will be running a full color, full page ad in the September issue of “Shorthorn Country” magazine. The ad will highlight the positives which Heritage Shorthorns can contribute to improving modern Shorthorn herds, and it will direct readers to the Members/Breeders Page of HSS. There is still a short amount of time in which to contact “Shorthorn Country” about placing your own ranch/farm ad in the same September issue, and/or to place an ad on the HSS website (we expect an uptick in visits to the HSS website next month) beyond the 200% increase HSS has already seen in visits to the HSS website in 2020.
On July 15 another email was sent to Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, President of the American Shorthorn Association, in the hopes of receiving a final answer to the question of whether ASA would accept HSS registration papers. HSS had significant discussions with ASA earlier this year regarding the acceptance of HSS registrations papers and was given the impression that an answer would be forthcoming. Obviously the Covid 19 problem interrupted the process but ASA has not re-engaged with HSS to resolve the question. HSS believes that the synergistic opportunities that exist to promote Shorthorns as a breed should overcome the negativity that exists between various Shorthorn circles. Regrettably this has not happened, and we still have no reply from ASA.
The staff at HSS is in the process of assuring the long term stability of HSS. We are in discussions with a national independent organization about maintaining the non-partisan management of HSS, and for putting the interests of the breed and the HSS membership ahead of everything else. We hope to provide further information to our membership in the September update.
For anyone who wants to catch up their registrations of Heritage or Heritage-influenced Shorthorns by registering their Shorthorns with HSS, there is a reduced registration fee of $12/head which is in effect only until Oct. 1, 2020. After Oct. 1st the fee will revert back to $15.00-$24.00/head depending on the age of the animal. See details on this reduced Registration fee on the “Opportunity to Catch up Registrations” Page under “Registrations” on the HSS website.