Application for Heritage Status Verification
To be verified as a Heritage Shorthorn the animal has be 100% full blood Shorthorn (no outside blood can be incorporated into the pedigree), and all ancestors must trace to the 1822 Coates Herd Book. By definition, any individual that has both parents with Heritage or Native Registration papers from HSS or AMSS is considered to be Verified Heritage—it can be added, at no cost, to the list by sending a copy of the registration papers to the HSS office. However if one or both parents do not already have this Heritage/Native registration status, then a pedigree can be submitted for possible verification as Heritage. All known registration and pedigree information on the animal needs to be sent to the HSS office, either online in the form at the bottom of this page or via regular mail, along with payment of the research and processing fee.
HSS will try to make a determination of Heritage status within two weeks after the payment and all pedigree information are received. Verification may take longer if foreign pedigrees are involved. The results of the verification process will be sent with either a certificate acknowledging Heritage Status or a note explaining why the animal’s pedigree does not qualify.
Any submitted bulls which qualify for Verified Heritage Status will be added to the “Verified Bulls” list on the HSS website.
Research & Processing Fee
The Heritage Verification Research & Processing Fee is $90.00/animal for Members of HSS, or $150.00/animal for Non-members of HSS. Payment may be submitted either online by clicking the payment button at the bottom of this page, or by a check made out to: Heritage Shorthorn Society and mailed to the following address:
Heritage Shorthorn Society
6515 Kurtz Rd
Dallas, Oregon 97338
If, per chance, neither Heritage status nor Non-qualifying status can be accurately determined on a specific animal because of missing pedigree information or because of an inability to trace lineage from a different country, then half of the cost of the verification fee will be returned to the applicant. Any questions on the verification process can be submitted to
Verification Committee
Pleasant Dawn Seal 2nd
The verification research to determine Heritage status will be conducted by a committee that will consist of Dr. Bert Moore (Mapleton Shorthorns), and Dr. Joe Schallberger (Whispering Hills Farm), along with other knowledgeable Shorthorn breeders. Each has written articles for the Cattle Viewpoint section on the HSS website and their biographical information is listed there. Their combined expertise on Shorthorn pedigrees should produce rapid, accurate decisions about the Heritage status of any Shorthorn bull or cow.
Application for Verification Status
A separate application form will need to be filled out for each different inquiry animal.
(If you would rather mail a paper copy of the Application for Verification, instead of filling out the form online, click on this link for a printable form.)
Return to the bottom of this page to make an online payment. No applications will be processed until payment has been received by the Heritage Shorthorn Society.