September 2021 News
The HSS Photo Contest for this year is now “up and running”. The theme for this 4th Annual Photo Contest is “Shorthorns: Why we love ‘em”. Everyone who loves Shorthorns is invited to submit up to 5 photos which show something positive about Shorthorns. Photos can be submitted from now until Oct. 15, 2021. All photos will be displayed on the HSS website on the contest page, with credit given to who sent the photo. You don’t have to be a member of HSS to submit photos. Please look on the HSS website under the Interesting Photos—2021 Contest for the guidelines for submitting photos.
Do you have a photo of a good looking Heritage Shorthorn calf? Send the photo and information about the calf to the HSS office to potentially be featured on the new “Calf of the Month” Page. (See the Calf of the Month Page on the HSS website for guidelines on sending one or more photos.)
If you still have Heritage or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns to sell for this year, the basic Cattle for Sale classifieds are free for HSS members, and they can be as descriptive as you want to help sell your cattle.
HSS has paid for 4 quarterly ads in the Canadian Shorthorn Report, and the 3rd one has just come out in their August issue. The 4th HSS ad will be in the October issue.
A ¼ page HSS ad is also in the most recent issue of The Small Farmer’s Journal (Vol. 45, Number 1.)
HSS 1/4 page Ad in current Small Farmer’s Journal