June 2020 News
The HSS 2020 Photo Contest closed for submissions on May 31st—thanks to all who sent pictures. There are a total of 24 photos which were submitted by 10 different people. We will be contacting all HSS members shortly about voting for your favorite pictures—your votes will determine the 1st and 2nd prize winners of the contest.
As all the side effects of Covid-19 continue to cause major disruptions in the cattle industry HSS is pursuing new ways to help HSS members promote their Heritage Shorthorns. HSS believes that expanding the genetic base of Heritage Shorthorns is the key to expanding interest and sales. Over the next several months HSS will be announcing new initiatives to help all HSS members. Recently HSS has been working with the Livestock Conservancy to bring some of these initiatives to fruition.
We want to thank members that have embraced the HSS Registry. It is quite apparent that many HSS members were looking for alternatives to register their cattle.
Have you noticed the farm/ranch logos along the right side on the Breeders/Members Page? Having a logo is an easy and inexpensive way to draw people’s attention to your farm/ranch information. If you would like help in creating a logo to use on this page, send a us note because we’re happy to help you design one.