February 2023 News
Currently HSS ads are in the January editions of the Canadian Shorthorn Report and the Small Farmer’s Journal. (See the ads below.) Along with publicizing Heritage Shorthorns in general, the Heritage Shorthorn Society is always promoting our Members/Breeders in the USA & Canada. When readers of the national ads go online, the Cattle for Sale Page and the Members/Breeders Page are always the most viewed pages on the HSS website. (Do you have ads on the HSS website? and is your contact information up to date?)
Jan. 2023 Small Farmer’s Journal Ad
Jan. 2023 Canadian Shorthorn Report Ad
The new Calf of the Month came as a double surprise—check it out on the Calf of the Month Page on HSS.
A big part of being successful when raising cattle is having a good marketing plan. The most recent posting in the HSS Cattle Viewpoints section “Develop a Marketing Plan” covers many aspects involved with being profitable when selling your livestock. Are you following good guidelines to become more profitable?
If you would like to see a continued expansion of buyers for your own Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns, then take some time to answer the following 2 questions (because “a rising tide floats all boats”):
1. How can I help to diversify the genetics which are available?
2. How can I promote these special cattle which I own/breed?
Your answers should include one or more of the following:
Utilize Heritage Shorthorns (bull &/or semen) which have different blood lines from what is already in your herd pedigrees.
Advertise in your local or regional farm publications, and highlight positives about Heritage Shorthorns.
Advertise on the HSS website (classifieds are free for members, and the Breeder’s Ads provide “a big bang for the buck”).
Talk to people and pass out the colorful HSS brochures (available on the HSS store Page) with your contact information added on the back.
Host a casual get-together of HSS members and interested potential buyers in your region.
Register your animals with HSS, even if you also register with ASA or AMSS. It’s inexpensive to do and it helps us expand the database of known Heritage Shorthorns, as well as providing additional funds for national advertising to promote your cattle.
Submit photos for potential inclusion on “Calf of the Month”, which highlights a variety of different genetic lines and names your farm.
Show your most eye-appealing cattle at your local fair, and provide visitors with promotional information.
Update your Farm/Ranch website &/or Facebook page to make it more current & appealing, and be sure to add a link to the HSS website so that more people become aware of the opportunities with Heritage Shorthorns.
Read and put in to practice the newest Cattle Viewpoints article on Marketing.
What is your plan to promote Heritage &/or Heritage Influenced Shorthorns?