July 2021 News
There are some individuals who have been involved with breeding/raising Shorthorns for many years who are now retired or for other reasons they are no longer able to maintain a Shorthorn herd. These individuals can be valuable sources of information about the older genetics, and they often have insight into practical positive (or negative) traits of various older Heritage (Native) bulls and bloodlines. The Heritage Shorthorn Society would like to provide current breeders with access to their valuable information.
If you are, or know of someone who is, a retired Shorthorn breeder who would like to share your knowledge with newer Heritage Shorthorn breeders—i.e. be open to having people call you to discuss older Heritage/Native bulls &/or breeding strategies, etc., HSS would like to offer complimentary membership. A complimentary Honorary HSS membership is available to anyone who is retired from raising Shorthorns and who is willing to be listed as a contact resource.
Have Heritage or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns to sell? Send a note to the HSS office with the information you would like posted on the Cattle for Sale Page.
The Livestock Conservancy will be publishing an article on the Heritage Shorthorn Certified Beef program and it will also be promoted through their social media accounts which generate tremendous viewership. Anyone who is a participant in the HSCB program will receive considerable exposure as a result of the article. If you are considering joining the HSCB program it may be beneficial to do so before the Livestock Conservancy article comes out later this summer.
Colorful flyers to advertise your farm/ranch beef have been sent to those members who have signed up for the free Heritage Shorthorn Certified Beef (HSCB) Program. These flyers can be given to your customers or potential customers to emphasize the quality of beef that you are selling under the HSCB label. HSS members can sign up for the HSCB Program at any time by sending a note to the HSS office. The public website for the HSCB Beef is: www.heritageshorthornbeef.com