HSS Registry General Information
From its inception, HSS has been encouraged by Heritage Shorthorn breeders to start a registry which specifically highlights these cattle. The goal of the Heritage Shorthorn Society (HSS) Registry is to provide members with an efficient, economical, and practical way to register Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorn cattle. The initial registry, started in early 2020, was contracted out, and it did not provide some of the benefits which we felt were important to our members, such as the ability to register online. The aim of our new improved Registry Format (launched Oct. 2021). is to provide an enhanced modern registration service with a direct tie-in to the HSS database.
Advantages with HSS Registrations:
1. Directly recognizes and highlights Heritage Bloodlines in a Shorthorn pedigree.
2. Ties directly in to the Heritage Shorthorn Pedigree Database.
3. Registration Certificates have an eye-appealing format and also incorporate a QR Code which links to online information about that particular individual animal. This is the first breed registry to incorporate individual QR codes!
4. HSS Registration Certificates incorporate identifying information about the bull or cow, and also include a 4 generation pedigree.
5. Lower cost fees compared to registrations through ASA or AMSS.
6. Quick turn around time.
General Guidelines for the HSS Registry:
(See Forms & FeeSchedule Page for application forms and for the fee schedule.)
1. Only Heritage Shorthorn Society members can apply to register cattle with HSS. Membership link.
2. Two types of Shorthorns are eligible for registration—Heritage and Heritage Influenced.
—Heritage Shorthorns have parents which have both been verified Heritage by HSS, &/or Native by AMSS, ie. all parentage traces to the 1822 Coates Herd Book without the introduction of any non-verified bloodlines.
—Heritage Influenced are Shorthorns that are at least 25% Heritage by pedigree—at least 1 parent, 1 grandparent, or 2 great grandparents have been verified Heritage or Native. (No parentage further back than great grandparents will be taken into consideration when calculating the Heritage percentage of Heritage Influenced Shorthorns.)
3. All cattle to be registered must be red, red & white, white, or roan Shorthorns—no other colors or breeds are eligible.
4. Genetic testing for characteristics such as horned/polled or A1/A2 status, or for known genetic defects such as TH, PHA, DS, or Myostatin is highly recommended but not required prior to registration. Official test results from any nationally recognized laboratory will be accepted, and a copy of the official test results needs to be submitted with the application.
5. Bulls that are used for artificial insemination, and cows that are used for ET/IVF embryo production must have a DNA Parentage Profile on file with HSS or show proof that they have been approved for AI by the American Shorthorn Association or the American Milking Shorthorn Society. Send a copy of official test results from any nationally recognized Lab. The exception is that semen from Shorthorn bulls born prior to 1980 is not required to have DNA Parentage testing, if semen units are very rare.
6. If a calf which was produced by a purchased IVF or ET embryo is to be registered, then an an Embryo Transfer Sale Form will need to be submitted along with the registration application.
7. The HSS Registry does not include EPD information. The main function of this registry is to highlight lineage, so breeders who are interested in EPDs will need to dual register with ASA.
8. All rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Heritage Shorthorn Society, and they can be amended as needed to provide benefits to HSS members and to the Heritage Shorthorn Registry.
9. If you have questions, send a note to: Registration@heritageshorthorn.org
Sample Registration Certificates
Sample Certificate for Full Heritage Shorthorns
Sample Certificate for Heritage Influenced Shorthorns