March 2019 News
The second Cattle Viewpoints article is now posted on our website. Each article in the Cattle Viewpoints section will highlight different perspectives on the cattle business, with each one written by someone who has extensive experience with cattle. This second Cattle Viewpoints article is authored by Mr. Gary Kaper.
Starting this month (March 2019) and running through mid May, HSS is sponsoring our second Annual Photo Contest. The theme of this year’s photo contest is “Cute Shorthorn Calves”, so get out your camera or look through your photo albums for your best Shorthorn calf pictures. The “Rules” for submitting photos, and more information on the contest will be posted within the next week on the Heritage Shorthorn Society website.
Reminder: We expect that there will be many more people viewing the Heritage Breeders and Ads pages on the HSS website after April 1, 2019. The April 1st issue of “Progressive Cattlemen” magazine (national circulation of 55,000) will include an ad promoting Heritage Shorthorns, which is paid for by HSS.