June 2018 News
The Livestock Conservancy announced their official name change of Native Shorthorns to Heritage Shorthorns (Native). The Livestock Conservancy states “This new name accurately reflects the breed’s history in the United States and its value for meat, milk, and draft purposes.” The Livestock Conservancy quarterly magazine also ran an article on the Heritage Shorthorn Society, creating a surge in viewership of the HSS website.
HSS will have an ad in the July issue of “Shorthorn Country” promoting Heritage Shorthorns. To the right is a preview of the upcoming ad. Shorthorn Country was picked for the ad simply because of demographics. We have seen 10X the increase of page viewership from ads in Shorthorn Country as compared to ads in the Milking Shorthorn Journal—simply “more bang for the HSS buck”. HSS has plans to run ads in several different publications in 2019 to expand interest In Heritage Shorthorns. Membership fees provide HSS with the funds to promote Heritage Shorthorns.