October 2018 News
HSS apologizes for not publishing this month’s update on October 1st but we ran into computer problems while traveling abroad and could not get the Monthly Update to upload properly.
The HSS 2019 Calendar will be available to order starting Nov. 1st. We will have sample pages and pricing available at that time.
This is a good time of the year to order Heritage Shorthorn vests, sweatshirts, &/or tote bags as a Christmas gift for yourself or for someone else who is passionate about Shorthorns. Visit the HSS Store Page to see what is available for colors & sizes. Remember, all proceeds go into the HSS advertising budget for national promotion of Heritage Shorthorns.
HSS has contracted with Progressive Cattleman Magazine to run an ad next spring to promote Heritage Shorthorns to commercial cattle breeders. We believe this will be the first ad run in this magazine by any Shorthorn organization. It reaches over 55,000 cattlemen every month across the USA. HSS is currently looking at additional advertising venues and we will have further information in the coming months. HSS believes advertising is key to attracting new buyers of Heritage Shorthorns. We want to again thank members who are buying paid advertising on the HSS website as this is allowing HSS to get the word out on how Heritage Shorthorns can be incorporated into a variety of cattle operations.
Several other projects are in the works at HSS which will be announced in the next 2-3 months —these should benefit members and hopefully encourage sales of Heritage Shorthorns.