December 2018 News
HSS ordered a second batch of 2019 calendars and currently we have a limited number still for sale. As a Xmas gift the HSS calendar will bring a smile to anyone’s face. The calendars can be ordered online via the Store Page, or by sending a note and check by mail. ($14.75/ calendar includes mailing costs.)
Starting in 2019 HSS will be initiating 2 different new online feature pages. The first one starting in January will feature articles about different aspects of the Heritage Shorthorn and cattle business written by prominent cattlemen. The second one starting in February will showcase individual Heritage Shorthorn Society members and how they are using heritage genetics in their cattle operations.
Check out the changing ads on the Cattle For Sale section. As HSS has grown so has the interest in the Cattle For Sale section. Remember members have free classified listings and will receive nationwide exposure for their sale Shorthorns.
HSS wants to thank all of our members for their support and words of encouragement during this first year for HSS. Without your support we would not be able to maintain the website and promote these terrific cattle. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.