November 2018 News
The HSS custom calendars for 2019 are finally a reality. They are full size (81/2” x 11”), full color, spiral bound wall calendars which feature both historic and modern Shorthorn themed photos. The photos in this year’s inaugural calendar include many which were submitted by HSS members to the HSS Photo Contest. Photos include ones submitted by the following people:
Chris & Serena Blotter, Rich & Katie Forrest, John Hendrickson, Winifred Hoffman, Ralph Larson, Bert Moore, Dave & Diane Robertson, Joe Schallberger, Marcia Shaver, Stanley Ward, Katie & Shaun White
The pages in this calendar are guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone’s face. The pictures below are a few sample pages from this 2019 Calendar.
All of the labor to design, format, & order these calendars was donated, so the price of the calendars reflects an amount barely over the total production and shipping costs. The calendars can be ordered for $14.75 each via the HSS online Store Page with payment online, or ordered via an email request to the HSS office, with payment by a mailed check.
This is also a good time to order Heritage Shorthorn vests, sweatshirts, and tote bags from the HSS Store page so they will arrive in time for Christmas gifts. All profits from the Store sales are dedicated to the HSS fund for running national Heritage Shorthorn promotional ads.
Many new ads have been posted in the last month on the various HSS Ads Pages. These pages continue to be the focal point of many visitors to the HSS website. Thanks to the increasing number of paid Breeder Ads, HSS expects to expand its national advertising budget for Heritage Shorthorns in 2019.
On January 1, 2019 HSS will publish the first of what will be bimonthly articles about different aspects of the Heritage Shorthorn business written by prominent cattlemen. We are excited about this new endeavor and believe members will find the articles quite interesting.