July 2019 News
A new article is now posted in the “Cattle Viewpoints” section—”Heritage Shorthorns’ Impact on World Cattle Breeds” . It is written by Dr. Bert Moore who is also the author of our extensive website section on Historic Shorthorns.
Members—do you have any Shorthorn calves, bulls, cow/calf pairs, or semen that you want to sell this summer or fall? Do you want to reach a nationwide audience? Send us a note with “the particulars” for free 3+ month listings on the HSS “Cattle for Sale” or “Semen for Sale” pages. Even better, send one or more photos to accompany the ad to make it more persuasive. (One-time $8/photo fee). Cattle for Sale continues to be the page visitors to the HSS website go to most frequently. Also on the Google search engine when someone searches under the heading “Shorthorns For Sale” the HSS Shorthorns for sale page is in the middle of the first page on Google. It is just another indicator of how many people are going to the HSS website.
HSS has purchased an advertisement for Heritage Shorthorns in the most recent issue of “Hobby Farms”. Like our other ads in assorted print magazines, HSS is targeting a variety of potential niche markets for our members, whether full Heritage Shorthorns or Heritage influenced (part modern and part heritage parentage) Shorthorns, and whether in a commercial setting or in a small family farm. The attached picture is a copy of the 1/4 page ad.