October 2019 News
“Butter Girl”
Realizing that many of our website pages are slanted toward the Beef side of Heritage Shorthorns, we have decided to create some new pages that will feature information about Heritage Milking Shorthorns and Heritage Dual Purpose dairy-type Shorthorns. We expect to have some of this information ready to post by Nov. 1st. Also, the next Cattle Viewpoints Article will be about utilization of Heritage Milking Shorthorns in today’s dairy environment.
We hope you have been enjoying the HSS Cattle Viewpoints Articles. They always seem to inspire/provoke a discussion on the Steer Planet website, which helps spark more interest in Heritage Shorthorns. Thanks again to the authors who have contributed these articles. If you have an idea for an article or would like to write an article please contact the HSS office.
It seems to be a tough year for marketing cattle. Do you have Shorthorns for sale which you want to list on the HSS Cattle for Sale page? Just send us an email with the information that you want included in the ad—these ads are free to our members, and there is not a specific word count limit for the Classified ads (within reason). As mentioned in prior monthly newsletters, the Cattle for Sale Page and the Breeders Ads Page routinely get the most views, along with the Members/Breeders List Page.
Do you have your own ranch/farm website or Facebook page? When you are updating it (has it been quite a while since it was updated?), please consider adding a link to the Heritage Shorthorn Society website.