June 2019 News
We would like to acknowledge the many difficulties that our members have had to deal with this spring, especially in the Midwest. We sincerely hope that everyone is able to get their crops planted and their livestock cared for as we move toward summer.
Um! Um! Good!, by Stanley Ward
A big thanks to everyone who submitted photos and everyone who voted in this year’s HSS Photo Contest. The winner, by votes, is # 1. Um! Um! Good!, by Stanley Ward. The second place is a tie between # 2. What do you guys think? A Holstein? by Ralph Larson, and # 7. Can I have someone over for lunch? by Bert Moore. The first prize winner will receive a complimentary Heritage Shorthorn vest or sweatshirt, while the second places will each receive a Heritage Shorthorn cap or tote bag. (There was a 5 way tie for 3rd place—luckily we’re not giving prizes for 3rd!) All photos will remain posted for now, with the names of each person who submitted them.
A new category “Freezer/Locker Beef” has been added to the Member Listings options of what you typically have for sale. This category is to guide viewers of the HSS website to Member ranches/farms in each state if they are interested in purchasing local Shorthorn Locker Beef. If you want to add this category to your Breeders/Members Page listing, just send us a note.
HSS is now running an advertisement promoting Heritage Shorthorns in each quarterly issue of the Livestock Conservancy Magazine.
The June issue of The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine will be highlighting the Heritage Shorthorn Society in their Grazier’s Gear feature. A copy of this free promotion is attached below. HSS has paid to run a monthly listing in the Livestock Directory section of the Stockman Grass Farmer starting this July. A free copy of the magazine is available for any HSS member by calling the Stockman Grass Farmer office to request it: (800-748-9808).
Are you looking for ways to promote your cattle? For everyone who visits your ranch/farm, try giving them a Heritage Shorthorn brochure to take home with your ranch/farm contact information added on the back of the brochure. If you take cattle to any shows or sales, why not take some brochures along to hand out? These high quality, colorful handouts are designed to promote what you’re doing. They’re available to order from the HSS Store Page.
June 2019 Issue Stockman GrassFarmer