August 2019 News
Meriville Penelope Anna
The “Spotlight on Members” Page changes quarterly. The new Spotlight posting features Winifred Hoffman and her daughters Miriam and Martha. Their background is with Milking Shorthorns, and their Shorthorn farm goes back several generations. One of the pictures in this article may look familiar since Winifred had the winning “Classic Photo” entry in our 2018 HSS Photo Contest, with a photo that shows her husband as a young boy. The “Spotlight on Members” Page is located under the Heritage Breeders/Members Section on the HSS website.
Earlier this summer HSS contacted the American Milking Shorthorn Society (AMSS) to see if they would be interested in discussing the possibility of HSS taking over their Native Shorthorn registration program. The reason that HSS inquired about taking over the AMSS Native program was to have a registration program that really benefited HSS members. HSS wanted to have a registration program which cost less, had less ”red tape”, and put customer/breeder service as its top priority. Unfortunately AMSS rejected the idea and was unwilling even to discuss this issue with HSS.