September 2022 News
The new Spotlight on Members quarterly posting is on Dr. Bert Moore with his wife Millie Moore. He has a lifelong love of Shorthorns, and he has become a preeminent historian of the breed. He is a major contributor to the historical information on the HSS website.
Interested in Shorthorn pedigrees? A new page has been added to the Historical Shorthorns Section which is titled “Foundation Sire Lineages”. Dr. Bert Moore has documented each generation of sires for many famous Shorthorn bulls, leading directly back to original bulls listed in the Coates Herd Book.
The Heritage Shorthorn Society has paid for ads coming out this fall in “The Angle” Magazine to promote the Family Cow and Dual Purpose utilization of Heritage Shorthorns. It can be seen on Page 3 of the most recent online (via the AMSS website) and print editions of “The Angle”. There is also a paid ad in the September issue of “Shorthorn Country” to promote the commercial beef side of Heritage Shorthorns. An ad in the “Canadian Shorthorn Report” will be coming out later this fall.
If you are using a bull in your breeding program which you feel qualifies as a Heritage bull, but the bull is not listed on the “Verified Bulls” Page of the HSS website, you can submit Registration documentation on the bull to the HSS office to have him added to the list. Please see the “Application for Verification” Page for more information.