August 2022 News
Visit the “Calf of the Month” Page to see the newest post. One purpose of the “Calf of the Month” Page is to highlight the expanding use of less common Heritage Shorthorn bulls by today’s breeders of Heritage or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns to broaden the available genetic base. Only a handful of calves have been born out of the sire of the Calf of the Month in the past 30+ years.
HSS has a new option for our members with regard to the online Members/Breeders Page. There are now 3 options:
1. Full Listing with Names, Farm/Ranch Name, appropriate contact information, list of what you typically have for sale, and if desired a sentence about your herd purpose/cattle type/philosophy or ?.
2. Supporting Member Listing with only Name(s) and City/State where you are located (additional information can be included if you want it). This option is primarily to recognize those who provide support to HSS, but who do not currently have Heritage or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns for sale, and who do not want to be contacted by potential buyers.
3. No public listing, where your contact is kept in the HSS office but nothing (not even your Name, etc.) is posted on the HSS website or publicly available—i.e. visitors to the HSS website would have no way to know about you.
For those members who have not previously been listed, please send a short note to the HSS office if you now want to be listed as a Supporting Member. For everyone else, please take a few minutes to look at your Members/Breeders listing and let us know if anything needs to be changed.
There is increasing interest among Canadian Shorthorn breeders who are taking another look at the qualities that Heritage offspring have to offer. Several of our members have recently sold Heritage Shorthorns to Canadian Shorthorn breeders due to this renewed interest. A large number of very influential old Heritage Shorthorn bulls were Canadian bred in the 1950s-1980s and there has always been some cross-border sharing of good genetics, however there seems to be an uptick in purchasing desirable Heritage Shorthorns to add to the current Canadian Shorthorn genetic base. HSS has run ads previously in the Canadian Shorthorn Report, and will be running new ads later this year to help spark further interest in Canadian breeders about purchasing additional Heritage cattle for the Canadian Shorthorn market.
The Livestock Conservancy (LC) Facebook special postings for June—Heritage Cattle Month got off to a very slow start, but after the middle of June they posted quite a number of highlights and pictures, many of which featured Heritage Shorthorns and HSS members. Their online visitor count indicated that over 48,000 people looked at the LC facebook page and as a result were exposed to lots of great “PR” about Heritage Shorthorns. If you have not seen the various Heritage Shorthorn postings, you can access the LC facebook page and scroll down to the postings from the latter part of June (down past all of the horse postings).