October 2022 News
HSS has paid for an ad in the Canadian Shorthorn Report October issue (see ad below), and there will be additional ads in the following quarterly issues. The growing interest in Heritage Shorthorns by Canadian Shorthorn breeders benefits both American and Canadian members of HSS, by stimulating across-the-border sales of cattle and semen to provide increased diversity in Heritage and Heritage-Influenced herds.
A new Calf of the Month has been posted on the website featuring a calf sired by a different old bloodline.
If you are testing your cattle, which you are keeping &/or selling as registered stock, for the common genetic defects (TH, PHA, DS, and/or Myostatin) and want test results documented on HSS registration papers, please send a photo copy of the official lab test results along with the registration application. Test results for A2 and for heterozygous vs homozygous polled genes can also be documented on the HSS Registration paper. (Test results can also be sent later, and a new updated registration paper issued for a $10/animal fee.)
HSS is sad to report the recent death of the internationally renowned Australian Shorthorn breeder Rick Pisaturo. Rick produced a number of famous Shorthorn bulls on his Mandalong Stud Farm near Sydney Australia, including Mandalong Super Flag and Mandalong Super Elephant. He had a lasting positive affect on the Shorthorn breed in Canada and the USA. At the time of his death Rick was 100 years old.