November 2022 News
A new article has been posted on the “Cattle Viewpoints” Page. While this article was written some years ago, the ideas presented are well worth considering as you look at your breeding program.
The interest in Heritage Shorthorns in both the USA and Canada continues to grow and HSS is adding new members—take a look at the Members/Breeders Page to see new members in your region. Registrations of Heritage Shorthorns also is increasing as Shorthorn breeders recognize the advantages of registering their Shorthorns with HSS to document Heritage bloodlines in their cattle. The low cost, simplicity, accuracy, and the short turn around time provided by the current HSS Registry are just some of the reasons why the HSS Registry has grown rapidly.
HSS is always looking for interesting Shorthorn pictures so if you have taken a “special picture” send it to the HSS office to add to the HSS website.
Advertising is one of the cornerstones of being a successful purebred livestock breeder. Too many times livestock breeders wait until they have something to sell and then run a small classified ad, rather than being proactive to promote the genetics of their herds so that other Shorthorn breeders become aware of what might be available. As the diversity of Heritage Shorthorns continues to expand, the opportunities to sell are also increasing. The HSS office is always willing to develop advertisements for members to help you promote your unique Heritage Shorthorn genetics.