December 2022 News
A new “Spotlight on Members” family has been posted on the HSS website (under the Heritage Breeders/Members section). David and Evon McDonald are relatively new breeders of Heritage Shorthorns, but they have an interesting background and are passionate about expanding good Heritage bloodlines. Read about them on the HSS website.
If it’s been a while since you have looked at the HSS homepage, it has an updated look, including an active photo gallery. The individual photos in the gallery are changed periodically to highlight photos which have been sent in by our members. If you have a good photo which highlights some aspect of raising Shorthorns, send it to the HSS office for possible inclusion in the photo gallery.
Check out the new posting for the Calf of the Month Page on our website.
HSS wants to highlight the variety of genetics which are currently being used to expand what is available in Heritage Shorthorns. If you have a calf out of interesting/uncommon Heritage bloodlines please submit a good photo (taken when the calf is less than 7 months old) and information about the calf for a potential future HSS Calf of the Month.
The money generated when you register your Heritage &/or Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns in the HSS Registry is directly invested in promoting your cattle via HSS ads placed in assorted national magazines and journals. HSS is already planning multiple ads in more venues during 2023.
Traditional/Heritage Shorthorns are known for the quality of their grass-fed beef. Zane Sunday (a member of HSS who lives in Florida) sent this photo of a steak from one of his strictly grass-fed Heritage Shorthorn steers. Notice the amount of marbling achieved without grain or growth promoting supplements.