May 2023 News
In mid-April, Zane and Elaine Sunday who own Foxfire Farm in Florida, again hosted an informal regional get-together for anyone interested in Heritage Shorthorns. Pictures and more details will be provided later on the HSS website and in the June Monthly Newsletter.
In addition to the HSS ad in the April edition of “Graze” magazine (which was partly financed by David Bender and David Chupp, as noted in last month’s HSS Newsletter), HSS has paid for more ads in national magazines. An ad promoting Heritage Shorthorns is in the current Small Farmer’s Journal, Vol. 46, #4. (see copy of ad to the left)
This full page ad (to the right) was paid for and was supposed to be in the 2023 Livestock Conservancy Directory. Unfortunately the LC mistakenly reused an HSS ad from 2022. Needless to say, we’re very disappointed since the next Directory won’t be published until Spring 2024.