June 2023 News
In April 2023, Zane and Elaine Sunday who own Foxfire Farms in Florida, hosted a social gathering for Heritage Shorthorn breeders in the southeastern USA. An article and pictures have been posted on the HSS website under “HSS Social Gatherings”. This is a good way for Heritage Shorthorn breeders to get to know each other and talk about new ideas to promote and market their cattle. If you are interested in potentially hosting a regional get together, Zane would be happy to talk to you about setting it up, and HSS is happy to provide financial support for such items as food expenses.
A new “Spotlight on Members” article has been posted, featuring Dr. Marcie Logsdon and Landon Moore in Palouse Washington. Marcie has sent some outstanding photos to the HSS office which show their children interacting with their cattle. One of her photos is currently in the photo gallery on the top of the HSS home page. She has a unique herd.
A new “Calf of the Month” has been posted, featuring a calf with a pedigree that includes several famous, classic Heritage Shorthorn bulls.
As your new spring calves are growing and the weather improves, snap some photos of your calves with interesting Heritage pedigrees and send them to the HSS office for the possibility of having them featured as the “Calf of the Month”.
To help with marketing/selling your cattle, are you documenting their Heritage status (or Heritage Influenced status) by registering them with HSS? Registrations with HSS are quick and inexpensive relative to other breed association registries. The HSS Registry database (https://registry.heritageshorthorn.org) is user friendly and is an ever-expanding reference for Heritage Shorthorn lineages. More breeders are registering with HSS which means that increasing funds are being invested in national advertising about Heritage Shorthorns. More details on the ever expanding HSS advertising program will be provided in future “Monthly Updates”.