April 2023 News
Ever wonder about Shorthorns when they were first being imported into the newly formed United States in the late 1700’s? Benjamin Hudson, who is a historian and a supporting member of HSS, has written an enjoyable insight into early Shorthorns in the U.S. His article titled “George Washington and Shorthorns” will be available to read on the HSS website in the “Cattle Viewpoints” Section by April 2nd.
HSS has a new ad (see the image at the top of this newsletter) coming out in the April edition of “Graze” Magazine , and again in their August/Sept. issue. The idea for placing an ad in “Graze” came from David Bender of Benchmark Shorthorns in Pearisburg, Virginia. His idea came with a very generous donation from him and his partners, David & Lydiann Chupp. David Chupp creates custom furniture, and a table made by him for a raffle at an HSS gathering last spring provided part of the funds for the ads. A big thanks to both Davids.
Another ad funded by HSS is in the Small Farmers Journal winter (Vol. 46, No.3) issue.
An ad was scheduled for the Spring issue of the Canadian Shorthorn report. However with the recent change in editors and management at the Canadian Shorthorn Report, the HSS ad was “lost in the shuffle”, so it is now planned for their Summer issue.
Speaking of advertising, it’s that time of year to consider where you will do your own personal advertising to promote your cattle in 2023. Besides the obvious free Classified “Cattle for Sale” page on the HSS website, a full color ad on the Breeder’s Ad Page allows you to highlight your herd’s best qualities with multiple pictures and personalized wording. If you would like help in creating an ad, our office is happy to help design a personalized Breeder’s Ad for you. When the ad is posted (for 3, 6, or 12 mo.) it will be seen by interested people all over the U.S. and Canada, for a very low cost to you. (See the bottom half of the Ads Rates Page for more information.)
A new “Calf of the Month” has been posted for April/May. There are quite a few old Heritage Shorthorn bulls represented as sires for the calves that have been featured—it’s exciting to see the current broadening of the Heritage genetics which are becoming available.
A special thank you to Dr. Marcie Logsdon of L & M Palouse Farms in Washington for the many great human-interest photos she has sent HSS for use in promoting Heritage Shorthorns. Her ability to capture the essence of owning calm Shorthorns is amazing. Thanks also to Ralph Larson of Y Lazy Y Shorthorns in Montana for his picturesque Shorthorn photos. Along with photos sent by other members, Marcie’s and Ralph’s photos have been extremely helpful for creating advertising and for enhancing the HSS website.