February 2020 News
In conjunction with our new Registration Services (see last month’s Jan. 2020 News, and the new Registration Section on the HSS website) we have asked the American Shorthorn Association (ASA) to accept HSS registration papers for those who want to dual register with ASA. The ASA Board will decide at their Spring Meeting whether to accept HSS Registration Papers.
There is a new “Spotlight on Members” posting featuring Joe Cavanaugh who, together with his father Lawson Cavanaugh, has a herd in eastern Ohio. The Cavanaughs are working toward building a significant Heritage Shorthorn herd in the Eastern US.
Two of our members have recently been given awards by Shorthorn organizations.
1. Dr. Bert Moore and his wife Millie will be awarded “Honored Breeder” this month by the Iowa Royal Shorthorn Show. Bert says that he is especially delighted to receive this award because his parents, Bill & Harriet Moore, had received this same award in 1988. Bert & Millie own Mapleton Polled Shorthorns in Indianola, Iowa. Bert has been a generous contributor of articles to the HSS website, including the entire “Historical Shorthorns” Section.
2. Dale Hart was honored at the Amarillo Tri-State Fair Shorthorn Show in Sept. 2019. This regional Shorthorn Show which highlights cattle from Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and Louisiana was dedicated to Dale as a long time breeder of Dual-Purpose Shorthorns. Dale and his wife Laura, who own Hartsdale Polled Shorthorns in Friona, Texas, were also featured last summer on the HSS website on the Spotlight on Members Page.
This is a good time of year for each of you to consider how you are going to market your cattle for 2020:
—Have you recently updated or started a farm/ranch website or Facebook page to highlight your cattle &/or locker beef, etc.?
—Have you linked your website or Facebook page to the HSS website pages so potential buyers can read about Shorthorn advantages and marketing opportunities?
—Have you ordered Heritage Shorthorn brochures (and put your own contact information on the back of the brochure) to hand out to visitors to your farm or to interested ranchers/farmers at upcoming fairs and sales?
—Are you planning to place free classified ads on the HSS “Cattle for Sale” Page, &/or a more extensive promotional ad for your ranch/farm on the HSS “Breeder’s Ads” Page? Both of these pages are viewed by numerous interested people each day.
As an added service to Heritage and Heritage-influenced Shorthorn breeders, HSS has added a new page which lists Heritage bulls which have tested free of all 4 major genetic defects (TH, PHA, DS, and Myo). If you know of other full Heritage bulls which can be added to this list, please send a copy of the bull’s test results to our office. (Adding a bull is free to members, or costs $60/bull for non-members)