January 2020 News
HSS has become a National Sponsor of the Livestock Conservancy. The Heritage Shorthorn Society logo will be prominently displayed on the Livestock Conservancy website and at all shows that the Livestock Conservancy attends. In addition the Livestock Conservancy will have Heritage Shorthorn literature available for show attendees to pick up.
In the Cattle Viewpoints section is a retro article from the 1970’s which makes a lot of pertinent points about the “Future of Small Purebred Breeders”. HSS intends to periodically supplement the Cattle Viewpoints section with classic Shorthorn articles that have stood the test of time—this is the first of those articles.
Sample Registration Paper
HSS was launched 2 years ago to help Heritage Shorthorn breeders preserve, promote, and produce Heritage Shorthorns while developing an expanded niche in the cattle industry. As an organization HSS has tried to be both nimble and dynamic as it responds to the needs and concerns of members. From day one HSS has fielded numerous inquiries wanting HSS to start a Registry. For years, many Heritage Shorthorn breeders have prodded the American Milking Shorthorn Association (AMSS) to make changes to their “Native” program so that Heritage “Native” Shorthorns would have expanded opportunities and better service. HSS has also communicated with all levels of past & present leadership within AMSS seeking cooperative changes; however AMSS has been unwilling to even discuss providing better registration services for Heritage breeders, instead offering immediate rejections. Therefore HSS is initiating the Heritage Shorthorn Society Registry to provide a better service to breeders, and this brings HSS full circle into a full fledged breed organization. HSS Registry rules, application forms, and fee schedules will be posted on our website starting this January.
In conjunction with initiating the HSS Registry, HSS has also developed a cost effective expedited program to identify & verify Shorthorns that may be Heritage. HSS members will no longer have to endure months of waiting to receive an answer as to Heritage status. Application forms and explanations are now available on the new “Application for Verification” Page. This service is open for both bulls and cows, and any newly verified bulls will be added to the “Verified Bulls” Page under “Heritage Bulls”.
To accommodate these added features, our more comprehensive website has undergone modifications in the menu and in various categories in an attempt to make it more “user friendly”. This includes a new “Search” feature on the HSS Home Page. Please browse through the website and let us know what you think, and whether you encounter any glitches.