March 2020 News
There is a thought-provoking new Cattle Viewpoints article posted on the HSS website. It is titled “What is the Cost of Get Big or Get Out”, and it’s written by Don Ashford who farms in Ethel, Louisiana. It was originally posted in “On Pasture”, which has authorized HSS to re-publish the article. “On Pasture” is a great resource for anyone interested in producing grass fed beef.
HSS is sponsoring our third annual photo contest. Photos can be submitted from March 1, 2020 until May 15, 2020. The theme for this year’s contest is “Shorthorns in Spring”. We invite everyone (you don’t have to be a Heritage Shorthorn Society member) to submit photographs. The photos will be displayed on our Photo Contest Page, and will be credited as to who submitted them. They will be voted on by HSS members this summer. The first prize winner will receive a complimentary Heritage Shorthorn vest or sweatshirt, while second place winner will receive a Heritage Shorthorn cap or T Shirt. Rules are posted on the HSS Photo Contest Page.
New items have been posted on the Shorthorn Collectables For Sale Page including books and Shorthorn World journals. See what’s available, and also consider listing items that you have which someone else might be interested in. Great way to spread around Shorthorn History.
A promotional ad for Heritage Shorthorns, funded by HSS, will be in the March Issue of the “Stockman’s Grass Farmer”. Additional promotional ads are planned for late summer or early fall.
Members may not be aware but free white RFID interstate identification tags will be available through State Veterinary Offices in the near future. Most State Veterinary Offices have the application forms available now. For those who have their heifers Brucellosis vaccinated your Veterinarian will be using orange RFID tags in the future. No more orange metal tags.