January 2023 News
New Years Greetings to all. I know that many of you are looking forward to a hopefully less stressful/more rewarding 2023 compared to 2022. This January marks the start of the 6th year for the Heritage Shorthorn Society. It was started in January 2018, and by the end of the first year HSS had 46 members. Membership has continued to grow each year, despite the passing of several members and other members deciding to get out of cattle production by retiring or by pursuing other interests. HSS has seen a surge of new, younger members who are interested in taking advantage of the variety of markets which Heritage Shorthorns are providing to breeders.
Over these past 5 years the Heritage Shorthorn Society (HSS) has been created, maintained and expanded entirely through volunteer efforts.
Yearly expenses for HSS have included paying for:
-multiple domain names and hosting companies,
-the internet website structure for HSS proper + the certified beef website + the HSS registration website,
-professional printing of brochures, plus office & mailing supplies,
-creation of the completely new & first rate registration and pedigree software,
-mailing a book to each new member,
-utilization of an online payment company,
-plus many more expenses involved in the workings and maintenance of HSS.
The Heritage Shorthorn Society is proud to say that besides maintaining the extensive websites, HSS advertising and outreach for your direct benefit (HSS members) has been priority #1. Over these 5 years and into this coming year 2023, the Heritage Shorthorn Society has spent $11,790.00 on advertisements in national magazines to promote Heritage Shorthorns in the United States and in Canada. This has not been done in recent history by any other organization in support of Heritage/Native Shorthorns. Considering our limited number of members, and the extremely low membership fee, all of the above has only been possible due to generous financial donations from several HSS members and due to the volunteer status of our contributors. Currently the increasing registrations of heritage and heritage-influenced Shorthorns in the HSS Registry are generating additional money for national advertising.
Calrossie Supreme
An expanded number of photos of famous old Shorthorn bulls & cows are available on the Shorthorn Bulletin website: https://shorthornbulletin.com , under the “Photos” section.
There will be a slight increase in the HSS annual membership dues, and for registrations & transfers starting January 1, 2023 due to increased costs for website maintenance and assorted other expenses. This is the first increase in fees since HSS was started in 2018. Membership renewals will be $30. To our knowledge membership and registration fees are the lowest of any cattle organization, and HSS plans to keep them that way by relying on volunteer efforts by our members.