July 2022 News
Check out the HSS Home Page which now has a more attractive logo and a photo banner heading.
If you happened to look at the Livestock Conservancy Facebook website in early June, they did not have much posted regarding “June is Cattle Month”. In the past couple of weeks they have added multiple articles featuring a write up on Heritage Shorthorns, and also articles & pictures featuring some Heritage Shorthorn breeders. This has stimulated a huge uptick in the number of people going to the HSS website for more information.
By now most of you have 2022 spring calves, so take your camera or phone out to the barn or pasture and get some photos of your Heritage or Heritage-Influenced calves. We want to highlight the variety of genetics being used by members and are always looking for calves to feature on the “Calf of the Month” Page. Email your photos to our office (office@heritageshorthorn.org) with a short note giving the calf’s name, sire & dam, birth date, and age when photo was taken, +/- birth weight. (We can crop and clean up the photos here as long as the calf is in a good pose.)
It’s not too early to think about having brochures about Heritage Shorthorns with your farm information on the back to hand out at fairs & other venues or to give to visitors. The brochures now come with the Heritage Shorthorn Certified Beef insert added. These can be ordered online via the HSS store page. (It comes already folded and ready to hand out after you put your farm/ranch info. on the back.)
Speaking of the Heritage Shorthorn Certified Beef Program (HSCB), as a member your farm/ranch can be added at any time to the contact page on the designated HSCB website—www.heritageshorthornbeef.com. Just let the HSS office know if you are interested.
Outside of tri-fold brochure
Inside of tri-fold brochure