September 2019 News
The Cattle Viewpoints Page of HSS has a new article posted: “Black Noses on Shorthorn Cattle”. Are you curious about this “color quirk”? This interesting article is authored by Dr. Martin Lee who has delved extensively into Shorthorn history and lineages.
HSS has created a new page which will be featuring fun photos and advertisements from the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. Once or twice a month we will be adding “new” old-time pictures—some humorous, some “nostalgic”, and some just quirky. Take a look on the HSS website for the “Pictures from the Past” Page, under “Interesting Pictures” in the website menu.
Our office periodically has inquiries from people who are interested in the health status of Shorthorn cattle with regards to Johne’s Disease and Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV). If you test your herd for these diseases, HSS will now provide the option for our members to add this information to your Breeders/Members Page listing—“Tested for Johne’s Disease”, “Tested for BLV”. Just send us an email if you want this added to your farm/ranch information