July 2018 News

HSS is proud to announce the expansion of the HSS website with the inclusion of a new section called "Historic Shorthorns" that is being authored by Dr. Bert Moore.  It will include pictures, pedigrees, and information on historically important Shorthorns over the past 120+ years.  There will be installments periodically over the next year.  The introduction and first installment (1890-1910) are now on the HSS website in the Shorthorn History section.   We believe this will be of interest to all Shorthorn Breeders whether they are members of HSS or not.

The HSS “Classic Bull” section (which covers bulls born from 1950 to 1985) has been refined. It is now also located in the Shorthorn History section.  Several additional bulls will be added over the next couple of months as information becomes available.  

HSS is still trying to gather semen code information on Heritage/Native bulls for the Reference Section, and we would appreciate any help from cattle breeders.

The Photo Contest is now closed and ballots are being sent to all HSS members for voting on favorites.  Winners will be announced in the August Update.  If you haven’t looked at the photos lately there were several recent entries in both categories.

The HSS ad highlighting Heritage Shorthorn genetics (see copy of ad in the June update below) will be published next week in the July Herd Issue of Shorthorn Country.

Several new ads have been placed on the HSS website over the last month.  We encourage members to send us classified ads for free posting on our website because of the expanding interest by buyers looking to purchase Heritage/Native Shorthorn cattle or semen.   HSS continues to hear about successful sales that members are having through contacts made via the HSS website.

The Heritage Breeders Page has been updated.  Some HSS members do not currently have Heritage Shorthorns, and have opted not to be listed on the Breeders Page.

June 2018 News

The Livestock Conservancy announced their official name change of Native Shorthorns to Heritage Shorthorns (Native).  The Livestock Conservancy states “This new name accurately reflects the breed’s history in the United States and its value for meat, milk, and draft purposes.”  The Livestock Conservancy quarterly magazine also ran an article on the Heritage Shorthorn Society, creating a surge in viewership of  the HSS website.

HSS will have an ad in the July issue of “Shorthorn Country” promoting Heritage Shorthorns.  To the right is a preview of the upcoming ad.  Shorthorn Country was picked for the ad simply because of demographics.  We have seen 10X the increase of page viewership from ads in Shorthorn Country as compared to ads in the Milking Shorthorn Journal—simply “more bang for the HSS buck”.   HSS has plans to run ads in several different publications in 2019 to expand interest In Heritage Shorthorns.  Membership fees provide HSS with the funds to promote Heritage Shorthorns.