April 2019 News
We would like to acknowledge the difficulties that many members have had in dealing with weather issues over this past winter/early spring—extreme cold, massive amounts of snow, flooding, hail storms, etc. It certainly takes a lot of resilience and determination to persevere in farming/ranching.
The HSS homepage has had a major make-over. It’s has become more user friendly and is more colorful and interactive. Several website sections and pages have also been reorganized to make them more appealing and easier to navigate.
The 2019 HSS Photo Contest is up and running. The theme for this year is “Cute Calves”, so with spring calving season in full swing there should be many opportunities to use your camera or smart phone to get some great photos. There are prizes for the first and second place winners (as voted by all HSS members). The contest guidelines are on the HSS 2019 Photo Contest Rules page. Entries are already being posted.
The April issue of The Progressive Cattlemen Magazine has been published, and the Heritage Shorthorn Society ¼ page ad (see ad below) is causing a noticeable increase in viewers to the HSS website. They are especially looking at the Breeder’s Ads, the Heritage Breeders/Members, Cattle for Sale, and Cattle Viewpoints Pages. Due to a mistake by Progressive Cattlemen Magazine (the HSS ad is not listed on the index page), Progressive Cattlemen will be rerunning this same ad in their next edition, at no additional cost to HSS. The background photo for the ad was provided by HSS member Ralph Larson. While this ad is targeted toward commercial beef producers, HSS has future ads planned in other publications which target the dual purpose aspects of Heritage Shorthorns and their usefulness in small family farms.