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Welcome to the Heritage Shorthorn Society, a breed organization dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of true Shorthorns that have maintained their genetic purity going back to the Shorthorn Herdbook of 1822, and for their utilization in modern enterprises. Heritage Shorthorns are increasing in popularity because of their usefulness, versatility, and calm nature. They can be the basis for a commercial herd, be the milk cow on a small farm, or maximize heterosis in a cross-breeding operation. Take a look at what Heritage Shorthorns have to offer to anyone interested breeding/owning cattle. We offer extensive information on the history of the breed, as well as opportunities for using these cattle in a variety of modern settings. (Check our menu in the upper right corner, or along the left side.)
The Monthly News Update is always posted, and there is a quick link to it below.
Articles & Announcements
Previous “Cattle Viewpoints” articles and “Monthly Highlights” can be found in our main Menu list.