November 2023 News
Do you have any nice calves born this past spring or early fall out of old Shorthorn bulls? Why not send a photo and information for possible inclusion on the HSS Calf of the Month Page. (The guidelines are on the bottom of that page:
Some of the photos in the rotating gallery on the HSS home page have been changed. Take a look at the photos and consider sending some of your own pictures for possible usage.
As the summer and fall chores and distractions wind down, this is a good time to review your ranch/farm website &/or Facebook page to make sure that it’s up to date and visually appealing to visitors. Do you have an online link to the Heritage Shorthorn Society?—an active link would be very much appreciated so that more people can read about the history and current markets & advantages of Heritage Shorthorns. As the saying goes “A rising tide floats all boats”.
The HSS ad below is in the latest edition of Small Farmer’s Journal Vol.47, #2.