December 2023 News
Kimberly and Scott Moore
The latest “Spotlight on Members” article on the HSS website features Scott and Kimberly Moore in Indiana. The Moores are friendly, enthusiastic members of HSS always willing to talk Heritage Shorthorns—read about their Shorthorn connections.
Check out the Part 3 installment of Lonny Flack’s entertaining articles on “the way it was” in raising & showing Shorthorns during the last half of last century. His articles, titled “A Shorthorn Heritage” are posted in the Cattle Viewpoints section of the HSS website.
There is increasing interest in Heritage Shorthorn genetics by Canadian Shorthorn breeders. The January update will contain more information about the growing promotion and opportunities for Heritage Shorthorns in Canada. Take a look at the new Calf of the Month which is posted on our website.
Keeping HSS updated on any changes in your farming operation, contact information, or Heritage Shorthorn herd is extremely important. *Please review your listing on the HSS Breeders/Members Page and let our office know if any of your information needs to be revised. (If you previously were not listed, but would now like to be listed, just send a note to the office about the information you would like posted.)
In the “amazing but true” category, look at the Pictures from the Past page to see what the dam of “Columbus” looked like at 14 yrs. of age. Picture courtesy of Zane Sunday.
Consider contacting your local or regional newspaper paper to see if they would like to do a story on you and your Heritage Shorthorns. Local media are always looking for unique stories and connections to the Heritage Livestock movement. It can be a real marketing opportunity to get free advertising and promotion of your herd.
If you are looking for an inexpensive Shorthorn themed Christmas present for someone, why not order one or both Otis Fisher books. The titles are: “Shorthorns Around the World”, and “The Story of the Milking Shorthorn in the U.S.” They can be ordered via the Store Page on the HSS website.