March 2022 News
Alan & Sara Leap
A new “Spotlight on Members” article is now posted on the HSS website featuring Alan & Sara Leap with XL Shorthorns. Alan is a long-time cattle breeder who is committed to the qualities of traditional Shorthorns.
In honor of the 200th anniversary of the Coates (Shorthorn) Herdbook, the British Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society has an extensive article on Shorthorn history which can be accessed via the following link to their Journal: After clicking on the website link, open the 2022 online journal, and the Historical article starts on page #188. (There are also a number of other interesting articles in their Journal. If you’re wondering about “suckler” herds, they are basically cow/calf operations.)
More Heritage Shorthorn bulls have been added to the HSS online reference list of Bulls Free of Genetic Defects Page.
The HSS “Calf of the Month” Page is highlighting a new calf every other month, so there are plenty of opportunities to get a good photo of one of your calves this spring (or fall) to send to the HSS office, to potentially be featured. The guidelines now allow either a fully Heritage Shorthorn calf, or a Shorthorn calf out of a Heritage bull (Heritage-Influenced).
While you have your camera (or smart phone) in hand, be sure to get some good photos of your cattle to use on your own website or facebook page, or for creating an ad for the HSS Breeder’s Ads Page. Our office is happy to help design an ad for you to post—just send us an email.