April 2022 News
HSS has designed and paid for an ad for Heritage Shorthorns in the April issue of “Shorthorn Country”. There will be additional ads in national journals throughout 2022. HSS’s ability to publish more ads promoting Heritage Shorthorns in different venues is the result of the increasing support HSS is receiving from many different HSS members. Thank you to all of our members—“a rising tide floats all boats”.
A well-written article on Johne’s Disease and its potential impact on cattle breeders was recently published in the Beef Magazine. It’s crucial to know the basics about Johne’s Disease when evaluating your own herd, and before you purchase new livestock. The article link is: https://www.beefmagazine.com/beef/johnes-disease-how-keep-it-farm?
There is a new Calf of the Month posted for April/May on the HSS website.
A new article has been posted in the Cattle Viewpoints section, titled “Heritage Dairy Shorthorns or Heritage Milking Shorthorns”. This article, written by Dr. Joseph Schallberger, gives historical perspective & thoughts on how to refer to those Heritage Shorthorns which are valued for their milk production.
The Livestock Conservancy has moved Heritage Shorthorns from their “Critically Endangered List” to the less severe “Threatened List”. This is a testament to the efforts of all HSS Breeders in expanding the availability of Heritage Shorthorn cattle with their increasingly diversified genetics.
HSS would like to offer our condolences to the Hendrickson Family of Nile Valley Shorthorns for the recent death of Doyle Hendrickson, and also to the Cavanaugh Family of JLC Cattle Company on the loss of Lawson Cavanaugh. Doyle and Lawson were both charter members of HSS.