December 2024 News
We know that 2024 has been a difficult year for many HSS members, for a variety of reasons. Hopefully each of you also has many reasons to be thankful, and that this holiday season brings you minimal stress and lots of joy.
The Heritage Shorthorn Society has paid for a ¼ page ad in Graze Magazine for this December (see ad below). Additional ads in a variety of journals/magazines are already “in the works” for 2025 including a full page ad in the Livestock Conservancy directory.
An appealing new Calf of Month is posted for Dec.2024/Jan.2025. He is A2/A2 and as with most of the calves on this page, he is sired by a Heritage Bull that has not been previously featured on the Calf of the Month Page.
Unless you are involved in the Show Cattle markets, have you considered how much money ASA and AMSS have invested in promoting your Heritage Shorthorn cattle in the last decade? In the less than 7 years since the Heritage Shorthorn Society was founded, the Heritage Shorthorn Society has “invested” $18,183.00 in the promotion of Heritage Shorthorns by purchasing ads in a variety of national magazines/journals. Because the design of each ad was done “gratis”, essentially all of this money went for the placement of ads in print media.
With fewer than 75 current members and the extremely low annual membership fee, the bulk of the money for these ads comes from HSS registrations of Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorns and from the larger paid ads on the Breeder’s Ads page. With support from each of you by registering your cattle with HSS and by encouraging your Shorthorn acquaintances to join HSS, we will be able to run additional ads each year in a wider variety of places to promote your Heritage and Heritage-Influenced Shorthorn cattle.