December 2019 News
In its pursuit of expanding Heritage Shorthorn information availability, HSS will be adding a new page with the names and registration numbers of all known Verified Heritage (Native) Bulls. Look for this new page under the Reference Section of the HSS website—it should be “online” by December 1st, or shortly thereafter.
The Heritage Shorthorn Society is also initiating a “Verified Heritage Shorthorn” program to document cattle that have historically pure Shorthorn bloodlines, but that were never registered by AMSS as having an “N” designation. This service will be available to HSS members after January 1, 2020 and is being started to provide an expedited, lower cost option for recognizing the Heritage status of specific Shorthorns. Cattle with pedigrees that have not been previously Certified as Heritage/Native but which trace entirely to the 1822 Coates Herdbook, will be eligible for verification. Any newly Verified bulls will be added to the list on the HSS Verified Bull Page. Additional details will be available when the Heritage Verification Program is activated in January 2020.
HSS continues to expand the reach of its advertising program for Heritage and Heritage Influenced Shorthorns. HSS has contracted with the Livestock Conservancy to run quarterly advertisements in the Livestock Conservancy Newsletter all through 2020. In addition HSS has a large ad coming out in the March issue of the Stockman Grass Farmer. The Stockman Grass Farmer has a large circulation and focuses on promoting grass fed livestock. Look for additional advertising updates during 2020.
We have a new picture of Scottshills Major Clark, pictured at 2 years of age in October, 1965 with breeder/owner James Scott. Thanks to our newest members, Reverend Lee & Shauna Scott for providing the picture. Lee is the grandson of James Scott and is in the process of building a Heritage Shorthorn herd with his wife Shauna. For those who are not familiar with Scottshill Major Clark, his famous offspring include: Clark, Columbus, Thornwood Major, and Spiro, along with daughters: Thornwood Royal Teri, and Thornwood Royal Teri 2nd. Fortunately a small amount of his semen still exists so there may be more sons and daughters of this great bull for Heritage Shorthorn breeders to use in their breeding programs in the future.
Additional exciting changes to HSS are coming starting January 1, 2020. Only through the continued support of our membership can HSS fulfill its mission of preservation, promotion, and production of Heritage Shorthorns. A big thank you to all of our members.