November 2019 News
New pages have been added to the Heritage Shorthorn Society website, as noted below—visit the website to “check out” these 4 new additions.
1. The new “Spotlight on Members” features Jack and Joyce Barnes who have J Bar J Shorthorns in Fallon, Nevada. Many of you may already know Jack because he has been active in raising Heritage/Native Shorthorns for over 60 years years and has been on the Board of Directors at AMSS. Jack is very passionate about his “favorite breed” and how they should be promoted.
Meadowbrook Lassie 3rd, and her sister
2. HSS has initiated a new section to provide additional information about Heritage Milking Shorthorns, which have been “short-changed” between the emphasis on beef type Shorthorns, and the composite dairy cows which are called “Modern Milking Shorthorns”. This new page is located below the Shorthorn Information grouping on the website, and will gradually be expanded as more articles are written.
3. Along with assorted new information about the dairy side of Heritage Shorthorns on our website, the most recent Cattle Viewpoints article is titled “Micro-Dairying with Heritage Milking Shorthorns”. It is authored by Dr. Joseph Schallberger.
4. Under the Ads Section is a new page for listing Shorthorn collectables which Shorthorn breeders may have to give away or to sell. Old Shorthorn Worlds or Milking Shorthorn Journals are particularly in demand. Any old Shorthorn memorabilia can be listed on the HSS website for free.
The Semen Code page currently has expanded the list of reference semen codes for classic Heritage Shorthorn bulls. HSS will be adding additional bull semen codes in the near future. HSS again encourages everyone to have their semen tanks inventoried and if you have old Heritage beef and dairy bull semen you do not want, list it for sale on the HSS website as there are many breeders looking for Heritage bull semen.