January 2022 News
HSS wants to thank all of our members for their support during the last year. Thanks to some generous donations by several HSS members the HSS advertising/outreach campaign will be expanding in 2022. HSS is continuing its National Sponsorship of the Livestock Conservancy, along with a 1/4 page ad in their quarterly newsletter and a full page color ad in their directory promoting Heritage Shorthorns. Watch for information on additional ads HSS will be running in a variety of cattle magazines during 2022.
Recently HSS has received several inquires by people looking for horned heifers. Buyers are also asking about A2 status, free of the F94L myostatin gene, horned versus polled, dairy versus beef, and health status. If you have anything you would like to sell it is important to post ads on the website &/or to let the HSS office know so we can forward buyers to you. Heritage Shorthorn growth is being held back by the fact there are not enough quality Heritage Shorthorn heifers for sale. The “Cattle For Sale” page is still the most viewed page on the HSS website while the “Breeders Ads” page continues to be second.
As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the “Coates Herd Book” all Heritage Shorthorn breeders should be proud of their dedication to maintaining what was started 200 years ago. No other group of cattle breeders in the world have the history that Heritage Shorthorn breeders have. The growth of HSS has been phenomenal over the last 3 years both in the USA and worldwide. It is amazing the wide variety of requests the HSS office now receives from different parts of the world about Heritage Shorthorns.
Additional reference Semen Codes for Heritage Shorthorn bulls have been added to the list on the HSS website under the Heritage Bulls/Semen Codes section.
Last summer (we just recently found out about it), there was an article about the Heritage Shorthorn Society in the Australian Beef Shorthorn 2021 Annual Newsletter. If you want to take a look at the article, here is the link. https://www.beefshorthorn.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/BSSANLAug21.pdf
Throughout 2022 HSS will gradually be upgrading different aspects of the HSS website. This will add some new information to the website and improve the user’s experience. Hopefully this will benefit HSS members by strengthening our promotion of Heritage Shorthorns. Check out the upgraded “Opportunities” page. We are always open to suggestions so please do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas.